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Championship Show 2018
Sunday 21st October 2018
- Dogs: Jenny Banham
- Bitches: Marie Ward
New Venue: Glenda Spooner Farm, Brincil Hill, Somerton, Somerset TA11 7LA
Judges’ critiques:
Thank you again to the SWRA Committee for the opportunity to judge males at your show. I think you have found a real gem of a venue – lots of natural light with very large rings which have an ideal flooring for moving dogs on. I also want to thank the exhibitors who entered the show.
I was very pleased to find from my entry three very good specimens in my DCC, RCC and BP They had the size and substance, reach and drive I was looking for; something I feel that is missing from many of our males at present.
Veteran Dog (5, 1a)
1st Poole’s CH ROCKSTOCK CLASS – 7½ years old. Good size with good substance, excellent colouring and markings, strong masculine clean head with good width between the ears, correct ear set, dark almond eye, good length of muzzle, large black nose, correct dentation, good length of neck strong and muscled, straight front into tight compact feet, well sprung ribs good depth of brisket, strong in loin and croup with good width, correct tail carriage, movement covers the ground well although in challenge didn’t have the pace of younger dogs
2nd Robinson’s DANJERRIE DROVER AT TAZMANIC JW – 7 year old of good size but not the substance of 1, strong clean head good width between correctly placed ears, dark eyes, correct scissor bite with dark mouth pigment, good colouring and markings, shoulders carrying slight roll, good spring of rib, held top line and moved well , correct tail carriage.
3rd Trueman & Brownridge’s CH JEZEVE SHERBERT JW ShCM
Minor Puppy Dog (5, 1a)
1st Baillie & Topping’s ROTTSWORTH ICE MAN VON STAIRVALE – 7 months old of good size with substance and bone to match, excellent colouring of markings, strong clean head broad skull with correctly placed medium size ears, muzzle of medium length and fairly deep, large black nose, dark eye, correct scissor bite and black flews, straight front slightly open feet, good chest and brisket for age , good top and under lines, correct tail carriage, movement is very good nice reach and drive although body rolls on the move and lengthens a little he needs time to fill his jacket. BPD and BPIS
2nd Barnes’ PANELMA THE NAVIGATOR AT GYRIMA – 9 months old good size with substance, pleasing clean head good width between correctly placed medium ears although slightly rounded, dark eye good shape, correct scissor bite black flews a little loose in corner of mouth, straight front well of for bone, good chest and brisket for age, level top and under line, tail set ok and was carried correctly although the last quarter of tail length bends left to right didn’t touch back, moved well but again body rolls and needs time
3rd Venneear’s CLOONMANNA MAC
Puppy Dog (0)
Junior Dog (7, 2a)
1st James & Thompson’s BAMABEL EZEKIEL – 13 month old good medium size with bone, excellent colouring of markings, strong masculine clean head with a good width between correctly placed ears, dark eye, correct scissor bite very good mouth colour. Straight front into tight feet, neck of good length slightly arched, good spring of rib , back straight not too long, good under line, strong deep flanks, well-muscled hind quarters, due to the excellent size of the ring he was able to move out and really cover the ground with his reach and drive
2nd Lazic’s DEVIL HAUS OF LAZIC – 17 month a good size with bone to match and good colouring, strong head well placed ears, dark eye, correct bite very good mouth colour dark flews and tight lip line, straight front with weak pasterns and open feet, well-muscled throughout body, very good angles front and rear which give him excellent reach and drive, body tended to get slightly longer as he powered around the ring, carried a correct tail long in length
3rd Watkins and Taylor’s MINEALEA’S BUSY BEE
Yearling Dog (3, 1a)
1st Clark’s DORTMUND TOPNOTCH – Very nice looking 21 month old with plenty of bone and substance good rich colouring to markings, strong head with dark eyes, good mouth pigment and scissor bite, well balanced angles front and rear, strong muscled neck, straight front into tight feet, good top and underlines, broad upper thigh with good second thigh, correct tail, moved well when settled
2nd Case’s AUBERON TOM FAGGUS – Nearly two years old, again well off for bone and substance colouring not as dark as 1, lovely attractive clean head, good ear set, dark almond eye, strong neck, good spring of rib deep chest and short back, well-muscled hind-quarters. Movement coming and going was good but in the gait was not giving his all
Post Graduate Dog (8, 1a)
1st READ’S HENDRIX VAN BRIXENBURG (IMP NED) – This was my take-home dog of the day; everything about him just shouts male Rott his profile shape and size just stood out in the class and challenge and he has the movement to go with it.
Excellent size with plenty of bone and substance good rich clear tan markings, strong masculine clean head of good proportions medium eye with a lovely calm expression, has med/large ear which are held slightly off cheek, correct bite with very dark mouth and flew colour with tight lip line, good lay of shoulder straight front legs pasterns a little weak and feet turn out slightly, well developed chest deep brisket with well sprung ribs, good top and under line broad croup, good angulation to front & rear with excellent muscled hind quarters and strong hocks moves effortlessly around the ring DCC and RBIS
2nd Franklin’s NAGEEM HARIBO AT HACCASBROOK ShCM – Three year old, well off for bone and substance good colouring, strong broad head but had grooves from top of skull to eye, dark round eye, would prefer more fill under eye, correct bite and good mouth colour. Strong neck, with a good spring of rib, deep brisket, with a short back, well-muscled rear quarters. Moves well but couldn’t match the reach and drive of 1
3rd Courtney-Baughan’s WHISPERDOWN’S TANGO JW
Limit Dog (8, 0a)
1st Davies Carsal Quest – 3½ half year old of good upper size with substance and bone, good colouring of markings, nice clean head with good proportions, good ear set, strong neck clean shoulders into straight front legs good feet, well-muscled rear quarters broad upper thigh, would benefit from better angles to front to give more reach but moved well and holds top line, correct tail carriage
2nd Clapp’s ROCKSTAROTTS MINI CLUBMAN ShCM – 3½ old medium in size good substance and bone, lovely colouring to markings, good proportions to head with a dark eye, has a lovely balanced outline, strong neck but carries rolls over shoulder, strong rear quarters, moves really well. Tail carriage is high and has a tendency only on the move to touch his back
3rd Docherty & Dunhill-Hall’s FANTASA JUST FOR THE RECORD
Open Dog (5, 1a)
1st Bateson’s DARKAMAR EMINEM – 5½ year old, upper medium in size with good bone, colouring of markings a very rich tan, clean head broad skull correct ear and carriage with a dark eye, lacking a little in cheek bone, correct bite and a very dark mouth pigment, strong neck into clean shoulders and a straight front, feet are open, good angulation to front and rear, moves with good reach and drive and carries a correct tail
2nd Bornes’s DORTMUND DODGING BULLETS AT TREVEARL – Very similar to 1st in type but with the better head and it’s stronger with good expression, good width on skull with correct ear carriage, nice dark eye, well boned cheeks, correct bite and good dark mouth pigment, tight feet, very dark colouring to markings but smudgy on feet and chest bow, good angulation to front and rear, moves with good reach and drive and carries a correct tail, lost 1st place on loss of top line at one point
3rd Window & Clitheroe’s HANBAR TORRES
Champion Dog (4, 0a)
1st Tousent & Crawley’s CH MINAELEA TAYLORED BY CHOICE JW ShCM – 4½ year old good size with substance and good bone, strong masculine head with good width between correctly carried small ears, dark eye, lovely expression, correct bite pink mottled mouth, good colour to markings but chest bow could be more defined, strong neck, straight front strong pasterns and feet, good angulation to front and rear very good top and underline, strong rear quarters, moves a little close going away but in gait such good reach and drive certainly goes up a gear on move with change of handler, correct tail. RDCC
2nd James and Thompson’s CH BAMABEL ABRAHAM JW- Four and half year old lovely strong head with expression, broad skull, small ear good set, dark eye, correct bite, nice sprung ribs good depth to brisket, strong rear quarters good width to upper thigh strong muscled lower thigh, moves with excellent reach and drive, correct tail and carriage
JUDGE: Jenny Banham
Thank you to everyone who entered. Also, the Committee and my two lovely stewards. I enjoyed my day starting with Veteran: a lovely class to judge with super females. This was my favourite class of the day – these bitches were so fit and well-presented, you should be very proud. I worry about the quality in our breed: where is the type and substance gone? We have allowed too much wrinkle on the head with flat skulls which lack stop. I found overall the tails were good.
Veteran Bitch (4, 1a)
1st James & Thompson’s HANBAR MAGGIE AT BAMABEL – One of my favourite bitches. Shown in excellent condition for 8½ years old. Very alert, medium size, excellent bone and substance, good head proportions with correctly placed medium ears which sit well. Correct bite, dark eye, lovely expression. Excellent front, feet a little open, strong top and underline, well-muscled. Her gait won her this lovely class. Excellent tail. Loved her character. BVIS
2nd Adams’s CH JHAVA MAI TAI – 8½ years young. Another super bitch in excellent condition, excellent type. Medium size with attractive head with dark eye and excellent placed ears. A little upright, strong top and underline, excellent rear angle. Very well-muscled, excellent tail. Moves out well – just preferred 1 in the move.
Minor Puppy Bitch (5, 1a)
1st Cockerill & Forster’s MEGLAMAR GIRL ON FIRE – 6 months old. Good width of skull but needs more under-fill, correct bite, medium eye, well placed medium ears that sit nicely. Straight front, feet could be tighter, medium bone. A little loose in front which will tighten as she matures, held her shape on the move with well-muscled rear. Excellent tail. Moved well for a baby – nice little character. BPB
2nd Willis-Impey & Anthony’s ABACAB’S KUMA – Small/medium bitch. Broad skull with good under-fill, larger ears, dark eyes, correct bite, strong neck. Feet at 10 to 2 at present, excellent bone, a little long in loin, good rear, loose in elbow, moves OK
Puppy Bitch (3, 1a)
1st Brooks’ TIESTO PALOMA FAITH – Medium size, lacking stock and would have liked more under-fill. Medium eye, medium ears held away from cheek. Good pigment, straight front, feet splayed. Good bone and substance, good tail. Moves a little wide in front, need more drive from rear
2nd Crane’s STARROSA MOCKING BIRD – 10 months old. Good head proportions with mottled mouth, correct bite. Large ears, straight front, feet could be tighter. Moves a little wide in front, high tail set. Lacks drive from behind
Junior Bitch (7, 3a)
1st Window’s STAIRVALE FAITH – One I could have taken home. Excellent type, small/medium size. Beautiful correct head with super expression, correct bite. Large ears which sit beautifully, excellent skull with good under-fill, excellent mouth pigment, excellent bond and substance. Strong neck, a little loose in front on the move, feet OK, short strong back which she held on the move. Very well balanced, well-muscled, excellent colour. Moved with drive with excellent side gait. Was pleased to award her BCC, and in agreement with my Co Judge, BIS
2nd Austin’s AUSRIE’S PURE AND SIMPLE JW – Another lovely girl again with a lot to like. Attractive head, correct proportion, excellent bond, size and substance. Solid front with excellent feet, strong top and under-line, well-muscled rear. Good tail, losing her coat, a little loose in front and would like more drive from the rear
Yearling Bitch (2, 1a)
1st Broadbank’s BEVANRAY SHIRLEY – Medium/large substantial girl, well off for bone size and substance, strong head with deep stop with good width of skull. Medium eye, excellent pigment, straight front carrying a little too much weight, strong rear, good tail, just loses her top-line on the move
Post Graduate Bitch (6, 3a)
1st Baillie’s STAIRVALE PERFECT ALLUSION – Attractive head and expression. Lovely type, medium bone, excellent width of skull. Being critical, I would like a little more fill under the eye. Blackest of mouths, correct bite, medium ears sitting slightly away from cheek. Strong neck leading to straight top-line which she held on the move. A little loose in her pasterns, well-muscled and in excellent hard condition. Good tail. Moved out freely – a happy girl RBCC
2nd Powell’s ROTTWUD’S FIRECRACKER – Feminine head with moderate stop. Large ears sitting well on cheek, medium eye, correct bite, medium bone, strong neck leading in to good front with excellent feet. Strong top and under-line, well developed rear, medium tan, very short coat. Moves well but elbows out slightly
Limit Bitch (7, 2a)
1st Window’s HANBAR WHITNEY WITH AMATOL – Lovely type, good size and substance. A little plain in head, broad skull but needs more under-fill. Dark eye, correct bite, mottled pigment, medium ear sitting slightly away from cheek. Excellent front, feet a little splayed, excellent top and under-line. Strong, well-muscled rear, correct tail. Moved with drive and power
2nd Pinky’s JUST ASK GRACE O’SHEA (imp Swe) – Feminine head, dark round eye, broad skull but need more fill under the eye. Correct bite, mottled pigment, straight front, feet OK, long in loin, correct tail. Well-muscled rear, excellent colour, moved well – just loses her top-line
3rd Gibbard & Watts’s JEZEVE BACK TO BLACK JW
Open Bitch (5, 0a)
1st Topping’s ROTTSWORTH HONEY Ir Jun CH – Attractive head with correct proportions, dark eye, correct bite, excellent pigment, correct well-placed ears with lovely expression. Straight front, strong top-line with a little roll over the shoulder. Good feet. In excellent condition after a litter, well-muscled, loose in elbow but moves out with power and ease
2nd Pinky’s JUST ASK GALA O’SHEA (imp Swe) – Medium size feminine attractive head with correct proportions, medium well-placed ears, straight front, well-muscled rear with good angles. Long back with excellent tail, loose in front. Moves with drive and attitude
Champion Bitch (3, 0a)
1st Roweth’s DARKARMAR SHIKIRA JW – Medium size of excellent type. Beautiful head, broad skull with correct stop and excellent underfill, dark eye, medium well-placed ears, strong body throughout. Excellent front, feet could be tighter, excellent bone and substance, well angulated strong rear, excellent tail, just lost her shape in the challenge
2nd Gibbard & Watt’s JEZEVE HOT STUFF – Medium bitch. Lighter in bone than 1 but has a lot of excellent qualities. Moderate stop, dark eye, blackest of mouths, correct bite, medium ears held away from cheek. Straight front, strong topline, excellent tail, well angulated strong rear, excellent feet. Love her attitude, moves effortlessly
JUDGE: Marie Ward